Can you see the beauty

Colossians 2
1 I want you to know how much I am struggling for you and for those at Laodicea, and for all who have not met me personally. 2 My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
The excitement of birding during the spring migration is one of enjoyment, excitement and struggle and frustration perhaps this is why I am a birder? Some years I see certain Warblers or Shorebirds I have never seen or have not seen in years. I also see “old friends” I see every migration like White Crowned Sparrows or Hermit Thrushes.
I only wish work did not get in the way, what a spring it would be! Ha Ha!
I also get frustrated in not seeing what I want or working very hard to get that life list bird, but that also leaves room for great possibilities for the next year!
The Christian life seems to be similar you have old sermons or conversations that come up every season of our Christian walk to remind us of God’s eternal love for us and then completely new situations or struggles or concerns that make us trudge deeper in prayer or the Bible to get closer to God, somewhat like trudging through a wet damp swamp fighting bugs to just get a glimpse of beauty you have never seen before like a Cerulean Warbler or a Yellow Breasted Chat. Sometimes it seems like a lot of work just to find that amazing bird that is not even suppose to be there, likewise God can give us a glimpse of something new and priceless in a place that should not have it. In struggle and pain I have seen the most beautiful things in nature and my walk with Christ and it’s been worth it in both areas.
Dear Marty,
Illustra Media has released a remarkable new documentary called FLIGHT: The Genius of Birds. Photographed on four continents, the film explores evidence for intelligent design in the biological systems essential for avian flight.
FLIGHT is both a visual feast (the cinematography and computer animation are stunning) and a compelling argument for the existence of God. It is film that appeals to audiences of all ages.
Currently, we’re working to promote FLIGHT throughout the world. Part of our strategy involves contacting bird watching organizations and bloggers.
I conducted an Internet search for bloggers/ organizations with a passion for both birds and their Creator. That’s how I discovered your site.
Could I send you a copy of FLIGHT for review? I would be very interested in your comments and possible endorsement. You can watch a preview and learn more about the DVD on
FLIGHT is a unique wildlife documentary and I really believe you’ll enjoy it.
Lad Allen
Producer/ Director
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