Light from the Least of Creatures

Luke 8:17 - For nothing is hid that shall not be made manifest, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light.
Being on vacation is always a great time to explore and bird watch for me. I finally get out of the city and get a little quite and seclusion. On this particular Vacation day I had no idea that God was planning on showing me. He of course used the oddest of creatures to do it, a creature that is usually frowned upon. Some are amazed by how large it is but are put off by its “acts”. I of course am speaking of the Turkey Vulture.
Turkey Vultures let you know about death, they help you pinpoint it from a distance. You may not see it but you know its there. How? Because when you look above the horizon about 20 Vultures are circling overhead and you know something has bit the dust. Vultures have a great sense of smell and can find the dead hidden under the trees. Then the Turkey Vultures clean up the dead from our landscapes.
I started thinking about scripture "No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a vessel, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, that those who enter may see the light. For nothing is hid that shall not be made manifest, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light.” Luke 11: 16-17
Eventually your sin finds you. The stench of your sin and your consequences find you. Sin leads to death and Vultures can actually represent light. You can see the darkness and death of a person’s Spirit when the light of scripture is showing upon it. We are then exposed, our most ugly choices, our rotten carcasses exposed for all to see. We all saw it from a distance the Vultures were circling. Now that it is exposed we must confess, not only to Christ but our Brothers and Sisters. To stand naked before God and man shows in us the darkness the blood and guts of the horror that sin leads us down. It is a battle, one we must face before God and ourselves and our congregations. It is the only way to freedom. We then can clean up our landscape for a fruitful future in bringing forth the good news of Christ. Honesty prevails and respect is giving to the gospel when it is brought on the feet of light. I hope all know your secrets because the Vultures someday will start circling. Marty
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