Clark's Nutcracker and My Spiritual Survival

Psalm 119:11I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Jeremiah 15:16When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, O LORD God Almighty.
Luke 6:45The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.
The Clark's Nutcracker is a member of the crow and jay family. This species ranges throughout the Pacific Northwest south and eastward along the Rocky Mountains. The Clark's Nutcracker is named after Willard Clark from The Lewis and Clark Expedition.
Clarks Nutcracker’s love pine nuts that produce a great source of energy for them.
They store the nuts everywhere including the ground where they may sprout and produce more pine trees if forgotten. Nutcrackers have been known to find 75% of there cache which means some 25% do turn back into trees which provide even more food in the future for the nutcracker and help the trees to produce more of its kind.
Nutcrackers have an amazing ability to find these caches and can even remember where they are hidden under lots of snow. They have a greater percentage in finding their caches than squirrels. Some researchers think they can actually have a greater percentage of finding these caches but the extra “forgotten” storage sites are actually there in case of a harsher winter. So next time they call you a Bird Brain say, “Thanks.”
In our Christian journey the Bible is our spiritual food. Nourishing and sustaining us through troubled times. I hope I have hidden his word in my heart to find it later in times of trouble or spiritual hunger. I need it to survive. Hopefully some of the word is planted and others receive the fruit of it. Perhaps later on my walk with God I will be giving back the word by some cache I buried a long time ago in another travelers soul. We can all learn from our new Brothers and Sisters in Christ along the way. I know The Word buried deep in our hearts can be brought up in a time of trouble to nourish and sustain and even comfort us.
hey marty, i think this is a great idea.. and i loved your devotional. be encouraged.
Marty you are so cool! This is a great way to glorify God and point others to JESUS! Let me know when Brian Head's solo project is out. I want to check it out! TC
PS We saw the strangest of birds in Israel, just ask Coll or Scott...
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