Contentment in a Grackle

1 Timothy 6:6- But godliness with contentment is great gain.
Philippians 4:11- I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
Philippians 4:12- I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
When I was a ten I would watch birds and be floored watching Cardinals and even Robins feeding their young. Grackles, Red Winged Blackbirds, Mallards and of course Black Capped Chickadees! I am older now and if I just see these “common” birds I quickly look and find myself saying things like, “Oh that’s just a Blue Jay.”
My friend and I went birding with another young fellow this morning. He reminded me of myself at that age. The boy was excited about Mallards and Grackles. We all saw the majestic American Bittern this morning but the young boy seemed more excited about the Cardinal, and why shouldn’t He be? The Cardinal is so red and vibrant. Why am I not content if all I had seen all day was a Northern Cardinal? I should be amazed! What a work of art! Mallards are so comical and their head shimmers many colors of green and blue in the sun. Grackles do the same and Red Winged Blackbirds are always showing off that orange red wing. Always remember the joy in the “average” birding outings because those can be just as interesting!
Maybe that’s why Christ was so amazed with children, they find it so easy to find joy in so little. So should we, but the mundane and the things of life seem to take their toll on our hearts and souls, to bad. Paul also would chime in about being content in all things.
I believe contentment covers a lot of groaning and complaining the same way love covers a multitude of sins. Sometimes I see others in far worse situations than I am just happy where God has them. I can still see Paul worshiping the Lord in prison, and worshiping Him while making Tents.
I hope I do not let wonderful opportunities go by in my life thinking they are mundane or average. The song of a Robin is still breathtaking, The Blue Jay is still magnificent and once in awhile the Lord truly blesses me with a Northern Perula or an American Bittern!
You never know what day will be your last so enjoy the one you are in and let Christ lead you in contentment and joy.