Thursday, April 20, 2006

Can You See The Owl

Psalm 119:99: I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes.

Revelation 1:3:
Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.

My church has a campground in Illinois where we have a large music and arts festival every year. There is a large lake and many smaller ponds on the festival grounds, one of these is called the Bass Pond because the big bass are usually in there. Behind this pond are a group of dense trees. In this area is a family of Horned Owls a male a female and usually owlets in February and March. Sometimes cruising my binoculars across the front of these trees I can spot an adult sitting very still. Owls are easy to miss especially Screech Owls, Barred Owls and Horned Owls. I always have to keep a sharp eye to spot one, looking over and over in the same spot till the owl finally jumps out at you like one of those puzzle pictures you stair at for 10 minutes until the picture hidden in the mess finally emerges. A lot of birding is like this, trying to spot a certain bird in the foliage or a distant tree can be challenging depending on the environment. You have to get a look at the “big picture” to see the little bird in the middle of it all.

Scripture can be the same way. I have read a certain passage for years and then one day I will read it again and the Holy Spirit will let me see a meaning to the scripture I have never seen before. All of a sudden that scripture is helping me in the environment the Lord has placed me in at that moment. Something I have skimmed by in my reading now has a deeper meaning after meditating and looking upon with my spiritual “binoculars”.
So remember to keep meditating on God’s Word something exciting may be there you have never seen before.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Sapsuckers and Servants

Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart; for consider how great things he hath done for you. 1 Samuel 12:24
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10

Yellow Bellied Sapsucker is not only a fun word to say it is the best way to giggle at us birdwatchers. My friend would say, “Hey, did you see a Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker today WaaHaHa!” Then I would reply, “Yes” and they would look at me funny as if I were making the whole thing up. Sapsuckers do exist though, drilling different size holes in all sorts of trees that provide sap. They work like crazy so they will have enough of a food supply for migration this time of year in Illinois. Sapsuckers also provide food for many other birds with all their hard work. Spring warblers often take sips from the drilled holes of the sapsuckers. Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds may come up a little to early for most blooms relying on the holes dripping with sweet sap. Orioles also love it and it can provide for them too. I have to say without the Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker many other birds would have a harder time in the early spring.

I hope Christians can take the Sapsuckers hard work to heart. Many people cannot make it through the early spring of their lives without a little help. They have just gone through a hard spell of winter and need a little sweetness to get through. Sometimes just a kind word or a prayer can help. Serving at a shelter or help watch some families children for a day. Some folks need some groceries bought for them while they are waiting for some money to come in. Hopefully as Christians our work will overflow to help others while we migrate through this thing called life. Because without love for others its kind of pointless. Why would we want to save all that sweet sap for ourselves when we can help other lives by sharing God's blessings.